Aqiyl Aniys | Posted January 25th, 2014 | Modified - January 25th, 2014

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Is sugar bad for you? A lot of people will say it is and viewing sugar this way is actually bad.
Is Sugar Bad For You? Saying Sugar Is Bad For You Is Misleading – Processed Sugar…
Some nutrients have great healing properties but the body may have difficulty getting to those nutrients. The bioavailability of curcumin is one…
Increase The Bioavailability Of Curcumin – A Brain And Joint Protector
The idea behind grass fed beef is that it is healthier to eat than factory farmed beef. The ideal grass fed beef environment would allow…
Grass Fed Beef VS 6 Crap Foods Fed Factory Farmed Beef
The effects of the radiation from Fukushima are downplayed. We are given the impression that the large amounts of radiation escaping from…
China’s Pollution Reaches The US West Coast Why Not Radiation From Fukushima?
Apple installed secret ‘Minority Report’ tracking technology in all iPhones from 2010 and only just told you about it…
‘Minority Report’ Tech Secretly Put In All Post-2010 iPhones
Poultry workers suffer the most excesses mortality, but surplus cancer deaths are also found in cattle, pig, and sheep slaughter house workers…