Aqiyl Aniys | Posted December 27th, 2014 | Modified - December 27th, 2014

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Fat and estrogen plays have a high correlation with reduced semen quality in men. The high consumption of saturated fat from animals is associated…
Environmental Loading Of Estrogen Causing Infertility In Men
The feminizing of fish in the ocean from estrogenic compounds in water supplies has brought up concerns about how these estrogen compounds could effect…
The Feminizing Of Humans Through Estrogen Laden Animal Products
Yeah, for being vegan once again. Being vegan and eating a whole food plant-based diet protects artery health, and it does an excellent job doing so! Dr…
Vegan’s Arteries Are The Best – If They Have Adequate Vitamin B12 Levels
The life we lead is a life many of us are directed to lead and it not very healthy for us. The system we live in conditions us to be consumers and nothing…
A Tiny Home A Way To Fight Consumerism
An activated charcoal detox has it merits but you should understand it fully before you get involved with the detox. The first thing to keep in mind is…
Don’t Get Hooked On A Processed Activated Charcoal Detox
On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, New York state released proposed regulations to regulate the medical-marijuana system within the state. This 120 page…