Getting Coconut Water And Jelly From Green Coconuts In Mambrui Kenya Africa

Getting Coconut Water And Jelly From Green Coconuts In Mambrui Kenya Africa
There are many coconut trees at the Beach Bay condo complex I am staying at in Mambrui Kenya Africa.
Today I asked one of the gardeners to get me some young green coconuts from this tree.

I had to be specific because some coconut trees produce green coconuts and some produce green coconuts. The yellow coconut trees are more hybridized, so we promote eating the more natural green coconuts.
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Young Vs. Old Coconuts
I also specified that he pick young green coconuts. I wanted the coconuts for their coconut water and jelly. The younger coconuts contain more coconut water and a soft thin layer of coconut jelly.
The picture you see is the inner part of a young green coconut. The locals mostly use the older coconuts for cooking. They remove the outer husk of the “older coconuts” and store to cook with later.
Though I wanted the coconut for coconut water, the gardener removed the husk out of habit.

Older Coconuts For Cooking
People the Caribbean and Central and South America also do this. In the US, you mostly find the older coconuts with the husks removed in grocery stores.
People use the older coconuts for cooking because coconut flesh has turned form jelly to copra. This means the thin layer of jelly has been become drier, thicker, and harder.
People call the older coconut flesh copra, and also coconut meat. You remove the copra from the shell, dry it, grate it, and make coconut oil or milk to cook with.
Younger Coconuts for Coconut Water
For coconut water you want to buy coconuts with the husks attached. You can tell if the coconut is young or old this way.
If the coconut husk is all green, then it is young. As it ages, it starts to turn brown. When you shake it you shouldn’t hear the water splashing around. This mean it is full of water.
You cut off the top of the coconut husk and inner shell. Drink the water, and scoop of the yummy coconut jelly to eat.
Related Links:
Getting Settled In Malindi and Mambrui Kenya Africa
Fresh Coconut Water Is Refreshing And Healthy – Jamaica Series
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