Alkaline Plant Based Diet Blogs
My Africa Journey, Plant Based Recipes, Exercise, Green Enviroments, and Spirituality.
Alkaline Plant Based Diet Blogs
My Africa Journey, Plant Based Recipes, Exercise, Green Enviroments, and Spirituality.

My Visit To The Apartheid Museum In Johannesburg

By | December 17th, 2016 | Modified - December 17th, 2016
My Visit To The Apartheid Museum In Johannesburg
My Visit To The Apartheid Museum In Johannesburg

My Visit To The Apartheid Museum In Johannesburg

My visit to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg was a very deep feeling an emotional one for me. It brought to the surface for me what I had learned in school and through research, what I had learned through my interaction with people and the environment in Africa, and what I learned through my experience in the museum.

It drove home that black people throughout the world had suffered terribly through colonialism and slavery. Black people, Africans in Africa and in the diaspora, have a common struggle and the institutions of imperialism meticulously use divide and conquer techniques to keep us divided to this day.

I was not able to take pictures inside the museum but I was able to take pictures in the entrance of the museum and of the exhibits lining the pathway leading museum entrance. Sorry, but you will need to go to the museum to experience the film about the history of South Africa and the exhibits inside the museum.

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Alklaine Plant Based Diet

About Author11:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.