A study published in Nature Communications revealed how synthetic nano-diamonds may used in the fight against cancer. Nano-diamonds may not only be a girl’s…
Nano-Diamonds Use In The Fight Against Cancer
The third annual 3-2-1 ride to raise awareness and funds to battle melanoma and pancreatic cancer took place on Sunday, October 11, 2015. More than 450 cyclist…
Hundreds Participated In The 3-2-1 Ride To End Melanoma And Pancreatic Cancer
A study published in JAMA on October 8, 2015 uncovered why elephants are very resistant to cancer, which may help in the fight against cancer in humans…
Elephants Are More Resistant To Cancer Than People
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the drug Keytruda in treating advanced (metastatic) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) on October…
FDA Approves The Use Of Keytruda For Treating Lung Cancer
Mammograms gives physicians the opportunity to view images of the breast to help them determine if a woman has breast cancer…
Mammograms A Double Edged Sword That Can Spread Cancer
Former NFL quarterback Tim Teabow did a wonderful things by bringing 13-year-old cancer survivor Nathaniel Nelson some joy, support, and inspiration. Nelson…