Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Nigella Sativa Scientific Studies – Black Seed – Black Cumin

Nigella Sativa Scientific Studies – Black Seed – Black Cumin

Black seed has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. It has been so important in the healing process that it is known as “the remedy…

Black Seed – Nigella Sativa – The Treat All Traditional Medicine

Black Seed – Study Shows Black Seed Caused Seroreversion in HIV Patient

Black Seed – Study Shows Black Seed Caused Seroreversion in HIV Patient

Study Abstract – Nigella Sativa Concoction Induced Seroreversion in HIV Patient

Study Abstract – Nigella Sativa Concoction Induced Seroreversion in HIV Patient

Chemotherapy is destructive and seems to be a high price pay to treat breast cancer when seaweed protects against breast cancer and other natural plant based methods.

Dr. Gregor makes a good case for using seaweed to protect against breast cancer by examining cancer rates of Japanese women…

Seaweed Protects Against Breast Cancer

Two reporters from Fox Television were asked to do any stories they wanted to, to ask tough questions, and to get answers. They did a story on milk in Florida that was adulterated with Monsanto’s bovine growth hormone. Monsanto worked effectively to get the bovine growth…

Fox Fires Two Reporters For Exposing Cancer Caused By Monsanto’s Bovine Growth Hormone