Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, New York state released proposed regulations to regulate the medical-marijuana system within the state. This 120 page…

New York ‘s Marijuana Regulations For Would Be Dispensaries

Marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 narcotic drug because all of a sudden there were no benefits of…

Benefits of Marijuana – Healing Properties And Components – Cannabis Cures

Growing weed: I found this great video which details how to grow cannabis indoors. Now I don’t smoke cannabis, also known as weed or marijuana. My…

Growing Weed – How To Grow Cannabis Indoors – Video

Attitudes towards the use of medical marijuana are changing across the U.S. undoubtably do to the remarkable testimonials of marijuana’s ability to cure…

Majority Of Iowans Support Medical Marijuana Use In Poll

Charlotte suffered from a rare form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome and had violent seizures since she was a new born. She suffered from up to 300 seizures a week…

Cannabis Oil Stops 6 Year Old Charlotte Figi’s 300 Seizures A Week