Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

A study published in the Cell journal on September 24, 2015 showed a new drug holds promise for curing cancer. The researchers in the study indicated that…

Controlling Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) Protein Kills Cancer Cells Study Shows

Pathway Genomics has developed the CancerIntercept™ Detect liquid biopsy that reportedly detects cancer in the bloodstream, and its product marketed…

FDA Doesn’t Approve Pathway Genomics’ Cancer Blood Test

The World Cancer Research Fund International’s 8th Cancer Prevention Recommendation is to meet nutritional needs through diet alone and not through the use…

WCRF International’s 8th Cancer Prevention Recommendation: Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

The World Cancer Research Fund International’s 7th Cancer Prevention Recommendation is people should limit their intake of salt and processed salty foods…

WCRF International’s 7th Cancer Prevention Recommendation: Salt Consumption

The World Cancer Research Fund International global research recommended against the consumption of alcohol, but did not outright exclude it because of its…

WCRF International’s 6th Cancer Prevention Recommendation: Alcoholic Drinks

The World Cancer Research Fund International conducted a global research program indicated eating more plant-based foods lowered the risk of developing cancer…

WCRF International’s 4th Cancer Prevention Recommendation: Plant Foods