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Sign-up for the Natural Life Energy newsletter to learn about foods and herbs that will alkalize, revitalize, and strengthen your body and mind.
Research shows that an acidic body supports the development is disease in the body. Acidic foods promotes acidity in the body and high levels of acidity can lead to acidosis and osteoporosis.
Foods such as goji berries alkalize and lower acidic levels in the body.
I spend a lot of time researching foods and herbs so I can find the best products to keep me strong and to revitalize my life energy and my journey through life.
I love doing this research, but I also understand that there is so much information out there on the subject and it can be confusing. The things I am writing about are things that I am doing or have done, and I would love to share my experience and the knowledge I have gained with you.
Please enter your email address below to stay connected with Natural Life Energy. Eat wisely and get and stay healthy.