Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet


Scientific studies show cancer develops in three stages that include initiation, promotion, and progression. These stages can be controlled and revised through the use of proper nutrition, and this approach is promising even for the more devastating progression stage.

Initiation is the stage where normal cells become abnormal and begin the mutation process into cancer cells. This mutation occurs mostly because of carcinogens interaction's with normal cells, and are caused to a lesser degree by translocations or a change in gene messaging.

The promotion stage occurs when promoters like growth hormones and pathogens support the multiplication of abnormal cells into clusters of cells.

Progression occurs when the clusters become big enough and break of from their the original site in the body. These clusters of cancer cells move to other areas in the body in a process called metastasis.

Studies show that eating a whole food plant-based diet or a diet high in fruits and vegetables supplies the body with nutrients and phytonutrients that slow cancer growth and also kill cancer cells. Whereas substances in animal-based foods promote the proliferation of cancer.

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