Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Cancer News

The battle against cancer rages on and though people are dying from the dreaded disease there are still many cancer survivors who are still here putting up the good fight.

The whole food plant-based community is fighting diligently to educate people to the power of proper nutrition in fighting cancer.

Western science continues to research to finds new ways to combat cancer. Cancer foundations are holding various fundraising events throughout the year to raise funds to support cancer research, and to provide equipment and services to cancer survivors.

You can find many of the stories in Cancer In The News:

A study published on September 8, 2015 edition in the online Nature Communications journal revealed scientists developed an implant that collects cancer cells.

Scientists Have Developed An Implant That Collects Cancer Cells

A study published online in the Gastroenterology journal on August 07, 2015 identified a mechanism colon cancer uses to metastasize to the liver and…

Study Discovers Colon Cancer Tricks The Body To Spread

The Breast Cancer Care organization reported that there has been almost a 20% rise in diagnosed cases in England over the last decade. This number hasn’t…

Lack of Specialist Nurses Threaten The Quality Of Breast Cancer Care In The UK

The Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska is looking to raise a matching amount of money to qualify for a $248,000 grant. The M.J. Murdock Charitable…

Breast Cancer Detection Center Of Alaska Needs To Raise Funds To Receive Grant

Rod Stewart performed at the Prostates Cancer U.K. Concert with the Faces. The event took place in Surrey, England, on September 5 to raise money for cancer…

Rod Stewart Performs At Prostate Cancer U.K. With The Faces

Inmates a the Westville Correctional Facility in Indiana worked with the American Cancer Society to raise money for its foundation through its ‘Relay For Life’ event.

Inmates At Westville Correctional Facility Raise $1000 For ‘Relay For Life’