Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Cancer News

The battle against cancer rages on and though people are dying from the dreaded disease there are still many cancer survivors who are still here putting up the good fight.

The whole food plant-based community is fighting diligently to educate people to the power of proper nutrition in fighting cancer.

Western science continues to research to finds new ways to combat cancer. Cancer foundations are holding various fundraising events throughout the year to raise funds to support cancer research, and to provide equipment and services to cancer survivors.

You can find many of the stories in Cancer In The News:

Jishnu Raghavan passed away at 8:15 on Friday 3/25/16 at the age of 35 at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) in Kochi India. The beloved actor had been fighting…

Jishnu Raghavan Dies After Long Battle With Cancer At 35

Lori Wilson is a surgical oncologist at Howard University Medical Center in Washington. She is also a breast cancer survivor and black woman. Wilson made…

Plea For Black Women Who Have Breast Cancer

Landon Riddle was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), which is the most common form of cancer that afflicts children. Even though ALL is one of…

Child Forced to Undergo Chemotherapy Though Cannabis Could Treat His Cancer

Yes we have come upon some desperate times in our healthcare. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the herpes virus to treat melanoma…

FDA Approves Herpes Virus As Cancer Treatment

Pittsburg Steelers’ running back DeAngelo Williams was fined $5,787 by the NFL for wearing a message that supported his mother’s battle with breast cancer…

NFL Player DeAngelo Williams Fined By NFL For Supporting His Mother’s Battle With Cancer

NBA Coach Flip Saunders Dies Of Cancer At Age 60 Minnesota Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders has passed away from cancer today Sunday, October 25. Saunders notified the public back in August that he had Hodgkin lymphoma and his doctors felt he would be successful in beating the cancer with treatment. Saunders was confident in their […]

NBA Coach Flip Saunders Dies Of Cancer At Age 60