The whole food plant based diet is a diet where people only consume unprocessed plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nut, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.
Science has shown that a whole food plant-based diet is protective of health, and the Dr Sebi food list is an excellent source of alkaline non-hybrid plant foods that protect health.
Consuming foods raw or with minimal cooking keeps more of their nutrients intact and greater assists the body in achieving and maintaining homeostasis.
There is no magic bullet for maintaining a healthy body and for controlling weight, and they need to be achieved through lifestyle change. The adoption of a plant-based diet helps to attain them.
Loss of weight
A whole food plant-based diet assists with losing weight for several reasons. A plant-based diet doesn’t contain cholesterol and reduces the amount of fat entering the body, especially LDL cholesterol fat.
The diet is fiber rich and helps to bulk up stool so the body can remove waste more effectively. People can have pounds of waste impacted in their intestines that contributes to weight gain.
A plant-based diet reduces the amount of fat consumed compared to the Western diet, allowing for the body to burn stored fat.
Preventing Cancer
A whole food plant-based diet has been scientifically proven to be protective against cancer. Plant based foods, in particular vegetables, have the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients than any other foods.
These nutrients, especially the phytonutrients, are highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and protect against cancer. Most medicines are derived from the phytonutrients in plants.
Boosting The Immune System
The high fiber content of plant foods feeds the good bacteria in the digestive tract. 80% of the immune system comes for the good gut flora.