Vegan Biker Holds On Tight To Avoid An Accident
Calm Nerves And Steady Hands Came In Handy During This Weeks Biking Exercise

This series of biking weekends is soon going to come to an end for me, as it is going to get too cold for me to ride comfortably. So I guess some drama was due before the riding season comes to an end. This weekend just Ed and I went riding. Our usual riding partners Alex and Vicky took this ride off to spend some time together (smile).
So it was just Ed and me this time out, and I didn’t find out until after the ride that Ed was riding to establish some personal records. It would have been nice if he let me know that before we went out. The pace was definitely faster than our previous rides, where we had been averaging 15 miles an hour. This time out our average was 16.1 miles an hour, and this vegan rider was up to the exercise. (smile)
Headed up to Nyack during the first half of the trip Ed and I were pretty much together. Unbeknownst to me, Ed was out to set personal records and I had to push myself a little harder to stay with him. I have to remind people that I am a vegan and eat a plant based diet. I feel it is important for me to remind people of this, to have people understand that a plant based diet is a diet that can sustain an athlete as well as a non athlete. A plant based diet promotes healthy living, is energizing, and promotes stamina. During the first half of the trip we just missed being caught up in what could have been a bad accident. You can watch the video below to get a step by step play of the action.
So we sucked up the anxiety caused by the near accident, fought through all the hills of the ride, and made it to our destination in Nyack where we stopped at a store to get some fruit to refuel. We spent some time talking about life and nutrition and then headed to a bike store to buy a windbreaker. We then headed back to the bike store near the George Washington Bridge, and yes Ed was on a mission. He pulled out in front of me and was able to increase the distance. I was able to keep Ed in eye distance, though he was on the edge of my eye distance towards the end of the ride. I didn’t feel like overdoing it and push myself to where I wasn’t comfortable, so I just accepted that we wouldn’t be pulling up to the store together.
Though Ed was out in front of me, I was able to see when he pulled into the bike store's parking lot. I knew he was going to tell me he was waiting for me for a long time, so I just played it cool. When I pulled up I spoke with Ed, "Good ride, you were moving! How long have you been here?" Ed, "I have been here for a couple of minutes." I wanted to laugh because Ed was hesitating when he said this, but I maintained my cool. I find most things to be funny so it was difficult for me not to laugh.
First of all, I saw when Ed pulled into the bike shop, and he was still sweating heavily. After a couple of minutes talking, after letting Ed feel like he had convinced me that he was very far out in front of me, I said, "Ed you know I saw when you pulled into the parking lot." LOL, I could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure out if I really did (smile). I also let Ed know that his heavy sweating was also a give away that he just pulled up before I did (smile). He had a great ride though. He then let me know then that he was riding to set personal records and he did. Ed uses an app that records and analyzes his ride, which he shared with me, and it showed that he set a couple of personal records. Congratulations Ed.
On the topic of my plant based diet, it positively affects my health and stamina. After that grueling ride it took me just a few minutes to fully recover. I carry alkaline water and coconut in my water bottles to keep me hydrated and to supply me with electrolytes. I also carry some almonds with me, and I bought a banana from the store at our halfway point in Nyack. I also carry a little treat with me, a 70% cacao bar (yummy).

39.5mi | 1,461ft | 02:26:49 | 1,504 |
Distance | Elevation | Moving Time | Calories |
43.1mi/h | 16.1mi/h | ||
Max Speed | Avg Speed |

Tags: cycling, exercise, workout