Puerto Rican Governor To CDC: No Use Of Zika Pesticide Harmful To Pregnant Women

The Huff Post reported the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was about to spray Naled, a known toxic pesticide, in Puerto Rico to combat the spreading Zika virus.
There were two major problems. Puerto Rico wasn’t notified by the federal government that the CDC was going to use the pesticide, and the pesticide is highly toxic and is very dangerous to women who are pregnant.
The situation is very serious and Zika cases have risen to 5582, and 662 of those cases are pregnant women. Zika infection can cause fever, rash, joint pain, and redness in the whites of the eye, but most people don’t know they have been infection with the Zika virus.
Zika can cause microcephaly, which is a birth defect in unborn babies that stunts a baby’s head growth and causes brain damage.
The problem with using the Naled pesticide is it also causes birth defects and far more women will come in contact with the pesticide.
Despite the fact that Naled is known to be highly toxic, the CDC sent a shipment of the pesticide to Puerto Rico. The governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, confronted the CDC telling the agency he would not give permission to use the toxic pesticide.
Padillo sent a team to secure the pesticide, once he was able to locate where the pesticide was being stored. Padillo also questioned the CDC as to why he was not alerted to the Zika shipment.
Governor Padilla said he would only support the use of the organic larvicide Bti, and the CDC said it would respect his decision.
The CDC said “We regret that the shipment of Naled arrived in Puerto Rico without appropriate levels of awareness. We moved too quickly in our urgency to do all that we could to be responsive and prepared in the event officials in Puerto Rico decided to use Naled.”
It is a good thing Governor Padilla found out about the shipment. The use of Naled would trade one form of birth defect for another, and maybe the rationale for using the toxic pesticide was to contain the birth defects to Puerto Rico.
The CDC did say it wouldn’t have sprayed the pesticide without authorization from the Puerto Rican government, even though it shipped the pesticide there without authorization.
Makes you wonder which chemicals are in the chemtrails being spread across the U.S?