Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) Is Effective In Long-term Treatment Of Opioid Dependence
Abstract Title:
A new and novel treatment of opioid dependence: Nigella sativa 500 mg.
Abstract Source:
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2008 Apr-Jun;20(2):118-24. PMID: 19385474
Abstract Author(s):
Sibghatullah Sangi, Shahida P Ahmed, Muhammad Aslam Channa, Muhammad Ashfaq, Shah Murad Mastoi
BACKGROUND: Opioid dependence is one of the major social and psychiatric problem of society. Unfortunately there is no non opiate treatment available. For centuries man has used plants for their healing proprieties. These plants play a fundamental part in all treatment modalities, both ancient and modern. METHODS: This study was conducted to find non opiate treatment for opiate withdrawal. Total 35 known addicts of opiates were included in the study. This study was based on DSM IV criteria for opioid dependence. RESULT: This study demonstrates that non opioid treatment for opioid addiction decreases the withdrawal effects significantly. It further demonstrates that there are no changes in physiological parameters of subjects during treatment (BP, Pulse rate etc.). There is increased appetite but no significant weight gain in the subjects. CONCLUSION: Non opioid drug Nigella sativa is effective in long-term treatment of opioid dependence. It not merely cures the opioid dependence but also cures the infections and weakness from which majority of addicts suffer.
Article Published Date:
Apr 01, 2008
Study Type:
Human Study
Tags: black cumin, black seed, black seed benefits, cancer awareness, cancer killer