I Am Living My Life To Avoid Alzheimer’s With Turmeric
Avoiding Alzheimer’s Disease With Turmeric

I am not waiting until I am old to protect the health of my brain and reduce my risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. I am living my life like it is golden, so I am respecting my body by minimizing the harmful substances and by maximizing the life supporting substances I put into it.
I want to protect my brain against aging and disease. Dr. Greger covers the benefits of turmeric in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease in the video below.
People in India are believed to have the lowest incidences of Alzheimer’s disease and their large consumption of turmeric in the form of curry is believed to the reason. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties, which include curcumin, that protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
To go along with the protective properties of turmeric, people in India also have the lowest rates of meat consumption in the world. Their increased consumption of plant-based foods provide more anti-inflammatory components that benefit the brain as well as the rest of the body.