Increase Your Consumption Of Potassium Rich Foods To Reduce Stroke

Potassium And Nitric Oxide
Stiff arteries increase blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Cholesterol plaque buildup in arteries leads to the stiffening of arteries, causing arteries to loose their elasticity.
Arteries normally flex as the heart pumps blood through the body. This reduces the pressure the force of the pumped blood puts on arteries.
Researchers found that nitric oxide relaxes and improves the function of arteries, even arteries stiffened by cholesterol plaque. The body produces nitric oxide from nitrate rich green leafy vegetables like kale, wild arugula, and amaranth.
Potassium rich plant foods also serve to relax arteries. Potassium causes the endothelial cells in arteries to soften and increases the release of nitric oxide.[1]
If people only consumed the minimum recommended daily intake of potassium daily, stroke cases might diminish by 150,000 in the United States.[2]
Learn more about artery supporting alkaline foods on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »
[1] Potassium softens vascular endothelium and increases nitric oxide release.
[2] Potassium-rich diet and risk of stroke: updated meta-analysis.