Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Buffering Power Of Baking Soda

By | June 18th, 2016 | Modified - June 18th, 2016

Josh Baumann demonstrated the effects of the acidity of vinegar on de-ionized water and the power of baking soda to buffer vinegar’s acidity.

He started the experiment with de-ionized water that had a pH around 7.3. One drop of vinegar and its acetic acid, which has a pH around 3, was able to drop the pH of the water to 4.5.

A second drop of vinegar lowered the water’s pH to around 4.1. a third drop lowered the pH to around 4. A forth drop lowered the pH to around 3.9.

He tested another batch of de-ionized with that contained baking soda and it had a pH around 8.5. He added one drop of vinegar to the baking soda and water solution and there was basically no change in pH.

He added 10 drops of vinegar and the pH of the water only dropped to 8.2. The experiment showed how great baking soda was able to buffer against the high acidity of vinegar.

Baking soda is not natural so you should eat alkaline foods instead to raise the alkalinity of the body. The experiment showed how quickly vinegar can lower pH when there isn’t a lot of alkaline minerals present to buffer against it.

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