Benefits Of Vegan Diet
Benefits Of Vegan Diet

The “benefits of vegan diet” are numerous, oh let me count the ways. I must be clear that when I speak of the benefits of vegan diet I am speaking about a whole food vegan diet, and not a vegan diet that includes processed foods. A vegan diet consisting of processed and junk foods like, soda, candy, potato chips, processed energy drinks, cakes, highly processed pasta, white flower, and pastries can be as detrimental to healthy living as a diet consisting of mainly processed meat.
A whole food vegan diet supports healthy living and a vegan diet consisting of junk food does not. Now that this is out the way, lets discuss the “benefits of vegan diet.”
Do you have high cholesterol? A vegan diet lowers cholesterol levels because a vegan diet doesn’t contain cholesterol. Plant-based foods do not contain cholesterol,and only animal products do. Many of us have very high cholesterol levels because our diets contain to much meat products.
Do you have a problem with popping regularly? A vegan diet can help with that. Many cases of not being able to poop regularly is because of poor hydration and a lack of fiber. Only vegan foods contain fiber.
Animal products do not contain fiber. Fiber helps to bulk up to stool as it is traveling through the digestive track. This allows the muscles of the intestines to work easily to move the waste through so you can poop regularly. Ideally we should have bowel movements around 3 hours after we eat. This is a sign your digestive track is working optimally.
Not drinking enough water can also interfere with pooping regularly because it can cause constipation. When we don’t drink enough water and become dehydrated there isn’t enough water in the waste and it become compact and hard.
This makes it difficult to have bowel movements and puts a lot of strain on the intestines, especially the large intestine. These conditions can led to serious issues like diverticulitis so it is very important to drink plenty of water and to eat plenty of fiber from plant-based foods.
Are you overweight? A vegan diet can help with that and provide vegan weight loss. I lost 30lbs and that was even with me doubling the amount of food I ate. I eat all the time and I love it. The only catch is that I eat a whole food vegan diet only from foods on this vegan shopping list and nutritional guide.
A whole food vegan diet doesn’t contain all the unhealthy fat from processed meat and processed food. Vegan whole foods contain fiber, and are saturated with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that help regulate the absorption of its fat into the bloodstream. Processed food lacks the synergy of the nutrients of plant based foods and their fat ends up overwhelming the digestive system.
Are you tired and lethargic? A vegan diet can help with that. A major reason for lacking energy is not having proper circulation of oxygen throughout the body. An acidic body is a major obstacle to having plenty of free moving oxygen through the bloodstream. Oxygen is needed to cells to burn fat and glucose to make energy. A whole food plant-based diet alkalizes the body and helps with oxygen distribution, while an animal-based diet acidifies the body.
You may be tired because your muscles are tired. The muscles need electrolytes to function properly or fatigue will set in. Vegan whole foods are saturated with electrolytes like calcium, sodium, and potassium. The also exist in the balance the body needs to operate efficiently.
Do you get sick often? A vegan diet can help with that. Plant-based food contains phytochemicals. The special natural chemicals help support the immune system because they have antioxidant activity and protect our cells against oxidative damage. They stimulate enzymes to improve metabolism, interfere with DNA replication to combat cancer, fight viruses, and bind to cells to stop pathogens from entering cells.
The “benefits of vegan diet” can greatly improve your life and vitality.
Tags: benefits of vegan diet, vegan det