A Whole Food Plant Based Diet Makes You Live Longer

Through all the images of meat and processed foods we are bombarded with, the message of eat more fruits and vegetables is still alive. For some the message has turned into eat a whole food plant-based diet.
The message has been conveyed because of the health protected compounds in plant foods. The consumption of plant foods will make you live longer, but only longer, but healthier.
Until recently we didn’t know much longer eating more plant foods made you live. One study was able to determine that compared to people who ate five servings and fruits & vegetables a day people who ate:
- 4 servings a day lose 1 month off their life span
- 3 servings a day lose 3 months off their life span
- 2 servings a day lose 7 months off their life span
- 1 serving a day lose 1 1/2 years off their life span
- 1/2 serving s day lose 2 years
- 0 servings a day lose 3 years
A Study from Taiwan showed eating $.50 reduced mortality by 10%. Drug companies would definitely charge more than $.50 for a drug that could reduce mortality by 10%.