One Hundred And Fifteen Sit-ups And More To Go – Video
One Hundred And Fifteen Morning Sit-ups

At forty six years old I am working on my killer abs. When I started doing sit-ups again I started at a modest thirty and they burned my stomach.
I knew I had my work cut out for me to get my stomach strong again, but my abs weren’t going anywhere so I could take my time.
Getting from thirty to sixty took some doing. It was hard to get from thirty to thirty-five and so on. I knew I had to be patient because my abs were out of condition and this was a shock to them.
So i continued on and started doing sit-up exercises in the morning and in the evening. I leveled off at sixty because I didn’t feel I needed to do anymore than that. That was until another goal came along.
I want to do a flag, do it well, and hold it for a while. It takes overall body strength to be able to hold it and the core is at the center of it all.
Since the core holds it all together I decided to focus more on my core and add more repetitions to my sit-ups. From sixty I am up to one hundred and fifteen repetitions in the morning and evening.
I do change it up in the evenings and I may substitute the sit-ups with leg raises or some other variation. I think I will work to get to one hundred and fifty sit-ups straight and stay there for a while. I think that is a reasonable goal for now. I used to be able to do three hundred straight, so I will see what happens next.
The thing I didn’t like about doing three hundred sit-ups straight is that I would rub the skin off my butt. That is not a nice feeling, and now I make sure to slap on some shea butter.
Between the shea butter and my plant based diet my skin stays strong and resilient, and they both support my healthy living.
Yeah, that is my “Tough Mudder” headband I received for finishing the “Tough Mudder.”
Tags: sit-ups