How To Grow Younger

How To Grow Younger
Do you want to grow younger? Eat lots of vegetables and fruits! Seriously, eat a diet centered on vegetables and fruits. Okay, it is a little bit more complicated than that, but not really.
There are different factors at work that contribute to the aging of cells. Two major factors are oxidative stress, and chromosome telomere length.
Reducing oxidative stress and increasing chromosome telomere length acts as a fountain of youth and supports the health and longevity of cells.
Consuming meat, dairy, and processed foods cause oxidative stress and reduce the length of chromosome telomere length.
Oxidative Stress
Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules have one or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that steal an electron from other molecules they come in contact with to pair with their own.
A molecule is a combination atoms/elements like water which contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. There are so many different types of molecules in the body.
Free radicals will steal electrons from heart tissue, arteries, kidney tissue, liver tissue, eye tissue, etc.
This action compromises the health of the affected tissue, and causes premature aging and death of cells. Constant oxidative stress undermines the health of individual cells, and overall it causes the body to age faster.
Meat, dairy, and processed foods contain molecules that are highly free radical. Their acidic composition also promotes the production of free radicals.[1]
Vegetables and fruits are antioxidants and they reduce oxidative stress by freely giving electrons to free radicals.
Plants are loaded with phytonutrients which plants use to protect themselves against UV radiation, bacteria, fungus, and viruses. People consume them and the body uses them to support its health as well.
Phytonutrients are highly antioxidant molecules, and plants contain thousands of different kinds of phytonutrients. They fall into different categories including carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and resveratrol.
An alkaline plant based diet is a highly antioxidant diet and promotes youth and vitality of cells.
Telomeres and Aging
The body is programmed to die. What you eat either quickens aging and death or holds them off.
The telomeres of chromosomes play in big part its programmed death. Keeping them from shortening directly supports the health and vitality of cells, prolongs life, and supports youth.
Chromosomes are collections of DNA that give each cell instructions of how to behave. Telomeres are junk DNA on the end of chromosomes that protect the chromosome’s genetic information.

Telomeres are like the tips of shoelaces and protect chromosomes from fraying. They also have another very important job.
Cells replicate many times over their lifetime. Healthy replication produces new cells to replace old cells and replication also supports overall growth.
Each time a cell replicates the telomeres that protect the cell’s genetic information becomes shorter. Once the telomeres shorten to a certain length the cells can’t replicate anymore.
This leads to cell death or the development of cancerous cells. Both lead to the death of the body.
An alkaline plant based diet promotes the lengthening of telomeres through increasing telomerase activity. This promotes cell longevity.
The body can produce enzymes called telomerase that are able to add junk DNA back to the end of telomeres. Making telomeres longer extends the life of cells.
Studies have shown a diet centered on plant foods increase telomerase production and activity, resulting in the lengthening of telomeres. [2,3]
Diets centered on meat, dairy, and processed foods consumption reduce telomerase activity.
The body is programmed to heal itself and seek homeostasis under specific conditions. It does this by using specific compounds in plant foods to repair cell damage and to healthy organ function.
Want to add vitality back to your cells and slow the aging process? Eat a diet centered on vegetables and fruits.
Please check out the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide for alkaline plant foods that support health and vitality »
[1] T Banerjee, D C Crews, D E Wesson, A Tilea, R Saran, N Rios Burrows, D E Williams, N R Powe; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chronic Kidney Disease Surveillance Team. Dietary acid load and chronic kidney disease among adults in the United States. BMC Nephrol. 2014 Aug 24;15:137.
[2] Effect of comprehensive lifestyle changes on telomerase activity and telomere length in men with biopsy-proven low-risk prostate cancer: 5-year follow-up of a descriptive pilot study
[3] Reconstitution of telomerase activity in normal human cells leads to elongation of telomeres and extended replicative life span